Our 2019 Arctic Adventure Book Fair was a huge success!! The Book Fair total sales were $2696.10!!! Amazing! We are happy to report that all the teachers wish lists were filled so the students have new books to choose from in their classrooms and the library got some new books as well. In addition to this, we have a credit of over $900 for the teachers to be able to purchase classroom essentials. Incredible! Congratulations goes out to Hudson Boyd for winning the Family Event Contest which he won $25 in books for his family library and $25 in books for his classroom. Also, congrats to Kalla and Mathia who won the Guess the Jars Contest! Thank you to all those who purchased books and items from the book fair, your support is greatly appreciated!! Last but certainly not least, I would like to send out my deepest thanks to the following people who helped with either set up, volunteering, and donating:
Student volunteers: The Dream Makers: Emily Gr, Ayannaquinn, Hudson, Jager, Ellie, Ava, Annabelle, and Greta. Thank you all so much for the video you made to kick the event off, helping on set up day and taking turns working the recesses at the Book Fair! Parent Volunteers: Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Kroeker, Mrs. Chubak, and Mrs. Langlois. Cupcake Donators: Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Chubak, Miss. Wood, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Klunder, and Mrs. Robson. Book Fair Set Up: Mrs. Wilman, Mrs. Sansom, Mr. Stephenson and students from the Grade 5/6 class who helped carry tables. Book Fair Tear Down: Staff members who were here the afternoon of last Friday. If I missed anyone, I apologize.
I sure enjoy the Book Fair and without the help of you all it wouldn’t be so successful!!

Library Days at Onanole School
Day 1: Grade 3/4
Day 3: Grade 7/8
Day 4: Grade 5/6
Day 6: Grade 1/2 and Kindergarten
Please remember all books borrowed from the library are to be transported to and from school in the book bag that is provided to them from the school. This way lunches do not accidentally spill on them.