In like a lion, out like a lamb. Or in like a lamb, out like a lion. This month as far as weather goes, the lion seemed to reappear more than we liked. March came in with a roar and an unwelcomed blizzard. The ski trip was postponed a second time and the disappointment was evident on our students faces. However, finally the last day we could book was the 18th of March and it came with perfect conditions for skiing. Students in grades 5 to 8 had a great day ripping up the slopes and taking in the sun.
In library, the grade ½ class enjoyed making their cauldrons which contained their coins of kindness. Each student was given kindness coins to write a kind thought or word about each of their classmates. The pots of gold were put up outside the classroom to be filled up with the gifts of kindness coins which are the most precious treasures one could have.

The month ended with Parent/Family Meeting Interviews and Spring Break which was not the warmest.
Students and staff came back after Spring Break refreshed and ready to dive back into routine. The month is filled with Badminton practices which leads to a tournament on the 25th. We also acknowledged International Day of Pink on the 10th and Earth Day on the 22nd. We will update here with Badminton Tournament results.
April showers bring May flowers…. hopefully this “rains” true!!.....
The Badminton tournament went well and we had some of our students make it to playoffs in singles and double competitions. Everyone played with integrity and showed great sportsmanship. Good Job OES WILD!!
The month of April brought quite a few days of sun which was nice to see. Speaking of the sun, on April 8th students stayed inside during the Eclipse for their safety. Some classes watched it being covered on the news in their classrooms. The next Eclipse will happen in 2044.
Swimming Lessons and Outdoor Ed started on the 9th of April. Students in Grades 1 to 8 boarded the bus and were off to Brandon Sportsplex. Students in Grades 5 to 8 who did not want to take swimming lessons are partaking in the Outdoor Ed Program. Each of these programs teach students life skills and are very informative.
Grades 1 to 4 had the opportunity to make seed bombs, seed paper, and seed cups from shredded paper. First, we went through what tools you would need to make each item then continued to learn the process of how to mulch the shredded paper by adding warm water till it had a mush like consistency. Then they either squeezed or sponged out the excess water and then added the seeds. Once dry, we will plant them in our learning garden to see if they come up. The seed bombs, paper, and cups will naturally break down which will also provide nutrients and help absorb moisture in the soil.
Also, the kindergarten class read The Earth Book by Todd Parr. They learned how we can do little things to help our planet and it can start in our home, school, and the community we live in. We talked about making sure our garbage makes it to the garbage can, don’t run the water when we are brushing our teeth, use cloth bags when grocery shopping not plastic, and we can reuse/reduce/recycle items. They colored and cut out some of these helpful tips to share with other students which we posted on the library bulletin board to share with other students. They also enjoyed putting together the EARTH.