RRSD Jr. High Soccer Tournament Hosted by OES
The Jr High Soccer Tournament took place on a very cool Wednesday, October 5th. The day started out sunny but quickly changed by noon. However, that did not stop the students who were participating! Onanole School hosted the event and were so happy to have Erickson, Douglas, and Rapid City here that day.
The four schools, despite the decline in the weather, had a great time! It was even more special to see some parents cheering from the sidelines! We were so lucky to have the grounds at the Onanole Rec Centre to use as the second field location. Each game was fast paced with two 20-minute halves with 5 minute halftime breaks. Each game promoted fair play, player skill development and sportsmanship.
Mrs. Tyschinski and a few of her grade 7/8 students had a canteen on site to raise money for Student Council. We would like to thank Mrs. T, Mrs. Ryznar, Aiden, Jesse, Abby, Jake, Flora, and Brooklyn for prepping and running the canteen. Thank yous also go out to Mr. Blair Ryznar for barbequing and to Ms. Robinson for preparing floats and running the hot dogs in to be wrapped up.

Everyone here at Onanole School would like to congratulate our Jr High Soccer Team for placing first in the tournament. Job well one!