That is the question isn't it? What's the difference? Now, I know that a lot of people lean more towards wishful thinking. For those who do not particularly like winter, ..seriously..who one. (tehe) The hope of springs warmer temperatures and the beginning of a visually warm green welcome mat of our surroundings is only a few weeks away and the anticipation of its arrival is a huge factor in someone's decision. Or for those who love winter, may wish to have a few more weeks to enjoy hockey, snowshoeing, skating, and other outdoor winter enjoyments of their choosing may be a huge factor in their decision.
The kindergarten class, along with the grade 1/2 class, read the story, The Night Before Groundhog Day, by Natasha Wing, who left us at the end of the story wondering what the Groundhog's Prediction was????? Cliffhanger!!
We had a great discussion about prediction and what they think will happen. What's the difference between the two..prediction and wishful thinking. Some students suggested that we could check out the weather like the characters did in the book to help with their predictions. Trouble shooting at it's best, great observation guys!!
We had 50 students in our school participate in the vote.
Here are the results:

What is your Prediction?